11:35 PM Unknown 5 Comments

Ads are the worst. 
We all hate them… but they're everywhere. When I’m scrolling through my Twitter timeline, watching a video on YouTube, playing a game on my phone, they just pop up and take forever to finish! The worst kind of ads on YouTube are those long one minute ads that you can’t skip…Do you guys feel my pain? The beauty of YouTube is that you could watch videos for free, which is basically free entertainment. Who doesn’t love free things?

But, $9.99 a month to block ads? It’s not that beautiful anymore. 

Yes, truth be told, ads are so annoying and are a total waste of time because there’s not a high chance that I would buy the product or service that they are advertising. Ad free YouTube, well pretty much “ad-free anything” sounds beautiful. It’s like everyone’s dream come true. But, $9.99 a month is way too much, considering the fact that Netflix is only $7.99 a month. Also, (despite the fact that I totally just complained about these ads on the beginning of this post), YouTube ads only last for a minute at most, and you could skip most of the ads that they play. They may seem to take forever because you’re on YouTube to watch a video, not some random ad that you aren’t interested in. But in reality, these ads don’t take up that much of our time. I mean, speaking for myself, I’m on YouTube because imp on my free time, or I have time to waste anyway. I just don’t think it’s worth it. If I had to pay $9.99 a month for ad-free YouTube, maybe I would learn to enjoy the ads that are playing (not very likely), instead of paying for it.

Who’s it really going to benefit?
YouTube ads may be a tactic used to attract customers, but these companies or brands, already have other ways of advertising their product or service. So, I don’t think that they have to rely on YouTube ads to attract costumers because commercials are always on TV, there are gigantic billboards on the side of highways, and radio ads are always playing. Personally, I think that the only type of YouTube advertising that I find effective are ads for movie trailers. But other than that, all I do skip the ads.

They say that time is money. So, if I paid for ad-free YouTube for $9.99, I probably wouldn’t be benefiting from it that much because this subscription would only save me two minutes at most every few videos I watch, and I would then be paying $9.99 just to say two minutes. So, I wouldn’t buy it because I would prefer to spend my precious $9.99 on something else.


  1. I totally agree with you. Ads don't even last that long but it is our impatience that makes us frustrated with it. Paying to get rid of ads is a waste of money.

  2. Ah! I love the style of your blog! So chic! And also, Sharon is so right, so are you. I'm going to be saving my $10 thank you very much.

  3. I agree. Who would spend $9.99 to get rid of ads that are only worth two minutes of our time? Ads are pretty annoying, but I think that the cost is too high as well. I like how you compared the cost to Netflix, which gives you access to tv shows and movies and is only $7.99 a month. The cost to get rid of ads on Youtube is higher than what we have to pay for Netflix, and it is definitely not worth it. Plus, there’s always the option to close an ad. Even if some takes a while before it’ll let you to skip, I’d rather wait than waste my money.

  4. True, i also don't think $10 is justified just to take ads away from youtube videos. Most shows and movies could possible be watched online for free. Also adblock works wonders if you dont want ads on anything. yea $10 is silly for ad free u tube.

  5. I agree! Netflix offers so much more and is less money... doesn't make sense. Time is money but in this case, you're 100% right when you say that you would prefer to spend $9.99 on something more useful, to be honest I would say the same thing.
