Tragedy in Schools

11:14 AM Unknown 0 Comments

A school is a community made up of students and faculty members. They work together to create a loving, caring and creative environment. But bullying is something that ruins this. During these past few years, there have been a few incidences of violence in schools, an example is the Sandy Hook School shooting, and now the stabbing in Dunbarton High School in Pickering which is very close to home. Violence in schools is something so tragic and it affects everyone in the community.


Sometimes the attacker doesn’t come from the outside, and in this case, the attacker was a student who attended Dunbarton High School.

I do think that schools should be safe. But schools aren’t safe when the person or people, harming someone comes from the inside. From the discussion post, the student’s motive to hurt the other students and faculty members was because she was bullied and the hurting must have been caused by other students in the school. She was hurting so much that it caused her to feel the need to hurt others.

Bullying is a serious issue. It literally has the ability to ruin somebody. It can cause depression, anxiety, self-harm, anorexia, suicidal thoughts, and more.  Perhaps schools and communities can avoid these acts of school violence in the future by talking about it to stop the bullying and to create awareness for those students who are afraid to speak out. In Mary Ward, I think that there’s always someone to talk to. There’s guidance, a ton of teachers and students to talk to about anything. I also think that our TA system makes it easier to get comfortable with others that are not in your grade. It makes it easier tot talk to someone with more wisdom and knowledge about the situation that you’re going through. I think there should be an anonymous service of some sort in Mary Ward, or in any other school. Some students find it easier to tell others how they are feeling without being known. Everyone should raise awareness for bullying to prevent students from getting hurt.