Problematic Celebrities...and Fans?

11:45 AM Unknown 1 Comments

Stan: An overzealous maniacal fan for any celebrity or athlete. (Urban Dictionary)

Why do fans put up with their favorite celebrities when they do something bad? Who knows. Perhaps it could be because they have invested so much time, maybe even money into them that they believe they are good people on the inside and that there was another side to the story. Everyone knows that these celebrities aren’t perfect, even when their makeup looks airbrushed, their bodies are looking A1, and when their acting and singing is perfect. At the end of the day, these celebrities are normal people with imperfection and something always happens that becomes “the last straw” and it ticks them off. This is when we see them in their worst.

Now, compared to people who live normal lives, maybe this is normal. For example, when Justin Bieber was caught for DUI, it was blown out of proportion in my opinion. It was all over the news, people criticized him, and more. But imagine if Justin Bieber was just a normal teenager who decided he wanted to rebel against the law. Would this normal teen’s arrest make it to the headlines of articles in magazines and newspapers? Would he be criticized by people all around the world because of this incident? He probably wouldn’t. You see, whenever a celebrity does something wrong, it is blown out of proportion. Celebrities are always under pressure and they could never take a break. People are always expecting something from them whether they are doing a concert or just hanging out at a local café eating a bagel.

"They scream out my failures and whisper my accomplishments." -Drake

Even though they are celebrities, I still highly believe that their behaviors should have consequences. Being famous shouldn’t give you a free pass whenever you’ve done something wrong. In some circumstances, I do think that celebrity culture has elevated to the point where celebrities are above the law and their actions void consequences. I mean, we hear about all the things that celebrities have done, but do we hear about what happens after? Have they gone to court and paid what they are liable for?

At the same time, I have sympathy for celebrities who constantly receive hate for their actions because they are being put in the spotlight. I think that celebrities should be able to deal with their consequences privately. 

1 comment:

  1. You are so right. Celebrities need to be cut some slack but at the same time, pay the same consequences as anyone would.
