Technology is Taking Over

5:33 PM Unknown 2 Comments

We may not realize it, but our phones, laptops, computers, other social media and electronic communication devices have changed or affected some aspect in our lives. Whether it has changed it in a good way or bad, the invention of social media and electronic communication devices has impacted the world in a big way. Not only has it impacted the way we think, our work efficiency, but also our ability, or inability, to socialize and create relationships with the people around us.  
I personally think that my relationship with my friends, family, parents and teachers have improved because of social media and electronic communication devices. It’s easier to keep in touch with friends and family from anywhere when you are able to talk to them because of one small device. I am able to talk to my friends whenever it is possible, especially with friends who I don’t see often.

I have family from all over the world and I am constantly updated on what’s going on in my family’s lives. Even when I haven’t seen them in a long time, or when I am not in the same continent as they are because all I have to do is scroll on Facebook (you know that website none of us use anymore because our family member’s have taken over it), send a message on MagicJack, Viber, or iMessage. Social media and electronic communication devices have made it easier to communicate with my family.

Also, electronic communication devices have made it so much easier to communicate with teachers. For example, I constantly use Edmodo to keep updated with my teachers and its where most information about units and unit guides are kept. I am also able to ask them for help on that website. This makes it communicating with teachers more accessible.

I think that these changes have altered relationships for the better. Although it depends on the situation because social media and electronic communication devices help relationships the most for accessibility when they are somewhat a long distance relationship. But, keep in mind how these devices have helped my relationships with people who are long distance.

My personal opinion about social media and devices is in the middle because I also think that social media and these devices make us incapable of communicating and socializing in person. Nowadays some people prefer to communicate face-to-screen, rather than face-to-face. I often notice that whenever I’m out with my friends or spend time with my family, it would be silent because we are too focused on our phones rather than talking to each other.

Even though people have become distant from each other because of the internet and devices, I still believe that devices should be allowed and/or incorporate in academic settings such as schools and classrooms. Technology is always evolving and students can learn new valuable skills from the use of technology. Added to that, these devices can help improve the students’ work efficiency. Personally, I think that typing school work is faster and it helps me brainstorm and create new ideas, also, finding information is faster with the use of devices.

Some rules and regulations that school administrators could put to ensure that these devices and social media will not hard the students is to always remind the students that they should go on safe websites, and websites that have the potential to harm students should be blocked. Also, I think that if a student is detriment by another student with the use of these devices, the student should be punished.


  1. Everything you have talked about in this post I strongly agree with. Technology has impacted us in a great way! It allows us to communicate so much more easily nowadays and as well increases our abilities. Although it is a good thing it does have downfalls as you have said because sometimes we can be anti-social i suppose. All in all, this is a good insight.

  2. I agree with the fact that social media and technology helps strengthen our relationship with family and friends. It's so easy to talk to relatives that are on the other side of the world
