Trolls on the Internet

10:24 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Imagine living a life with no internet. Tragic.

The internet is filled with so much information that we turn to it whenever we need something. Need to know about the first world war? Google it. Need a theme for your next party? Do you want to DIY something? Pinterest it. Feel the need to share something? Tweet it. You just took this super “artsy” picture? Instagram it. It’s filled with so much, that it’s both useful and unnecessary, and both real and fake. 

Without the internet, we would have to find our information from books, the newspaper, television, magazines, etc. We learn so much from the internet on a daily basis that it has become accustomed to us to believe whatever it says as long as the website looks legit and proper. Back in elementary, I used Wikipedia for ALL of my projects. But once I entered high school Wikipedia is no longer allowed to be used as one of my sources because it doesn’t really count as a source (apparently). I do understand why, though, because anyone is able to make changes to the page and add new information…How would we know if this was real reliable information? We don’t. But we choose to believe it because it’s from Wikipedia, a big successful website.

Meme: an element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, especially imitation. –Urban Dictionary

Most memes are funny. They are a topic of conversation and the memes, funny jokes, videos and pictures that go around on the internet are a big percentage of what my friends talk about. But some of them…are just straight up nonsense. Like the meme on this blog discussion post, some memes share information that’s completely untrue. But since it’s from the internet and it has speculated so much, people won’t even look at it a second time.

Personally, I’ve spent an embarrassing amount of time looking at memes. My favorite ones used to be the life hack memes. Looking back at it, some of them just really would not work and is a recipe for disaster.


I have been a victim of accepting what I’ve read without thinking. I was looking for memes to use as an example and I came across this. I’m not even going to lie, I’ve tried this “lifehack” before with my friends, and it did not work great. I mean…it worked but the noodles were still cold and it took like 2 hours! When it's 1am who has time to wait for noodles for that long. 

People are so quick to believe whatever they believe on the internet because everyone else seems to be falling for whatever is on it. It’s a system that goes in circles because if you have everyone else believing something on the internet, why should you doubt it yourself?